Switchwords Frequently Asked Questions

(This article is under construction, please email Kat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. any questions you may have which are not covered here.)

How do Switchwords work?

Switchwords TAP into the underground machinery of the other than conscious mind.

As we live our lives, 24/7 the other than conscious mind is recording and filing experiences away, FOR future reference. As such, like things tend to BE filed TOGETHER, and we BEGIN to expect the same thing in similar situations, which in turn tends to make it so.

When you use a Switchword, it activates the other than conscious mind, looking to experience what the underground machinery has filed away as a common experience related to that word.

What if my conscious mind constantly questions the rationale and science behind Switchwords working? Being a science student, engineer, banker it’s constantly coming to my mind, I try to convince myself, but I find myself constantly thinking about it, probably because I seek logic and scientific reasoning in everything.

From Stuti Singh: I actually don't FIND much logic in a lot of things that science strongly pushes as realities of the world we live in. But I DO believe in LOVE, positive intentions, power of the spoken word and manifestation by our thoughts and deeds.

Switchwords work very effectively ON children and pets. Why? Because they have the least resistance. Though kids may question everything innocently, and pets SENSE danger, but why would anyone reject anything MAGICal and DIVINE?

Affirmations are also a set of words only, so how come Switchwords bypass the conscious mind since the words are used the same as affirmations for the concern at hand? How do Switchwords bypass the conscious mind? What is the reasoning behind it?

DO you consciously think of money when you COUNT? Probably not. But every time you come into Contact WITH money, you COUNT it.

DO you think of smoking when you COUNT? Probably not. But if you are trying to decrease/stop smoking, you probably COUNT how many times you smoke in a day.

Switchwords Connect you to the experience AROUND the word, rather than the word itself, therefore not making a lot of SENSE to the conscious mind.

Your other than conscious mind is taking all the experiences going ON 24/7, and filing the information away FOR future reference.

That is how you learned to sit, stand, walk, drive...everything you DO throughout your day...it becomes automatic because your other than conscious mind has filed what it takes to experience it TOGETHER FOR future reference. Switchwords use that "underground factory" to HELP to draw experiences you want to you.

The conscious mind often filters and rejects it when you say "I am wealthy" because you know you are not.

However, FIND, COUNT, PLETHORA, etc., are just "words" to the conscious mind and tend to simply Bypass the filters and rejections.

Is it true that Switchwords decrease in effectiveness through time, so you have to use NEW ones?

No. If that were true the Master Switchword TOGETHER, which was introduced in James T. Mangan's book The Secret of Perfect Living in 1963, would not work very well today, but it does. TOGETHER has shown everyone again and again why it is the Master Switchword (the only Master Switchword). Switchwords - the more they are used, the more they work.

One additional thought is that, often a Switchword works great initially, showing you how powerful it is, but if you don't support it (following inspiration, changing things you DO), it may not CONTINUE working.

You use DIVINE-TOGETHER to improve your relationship WITH a friend. You see a CHANGE in the friend and the relationship begins to improve. You use DIVINE-TOGETHER a lot to KEEP improving it, but you CONTINUE to think of the negative things that were there before, and react to them, rather than also changing your attitude and actions toward your friend. The relationship begins to break again. Did Switchwords stop working? No.  You told the Universe nevermind by refusing to CHANGE yourself.

Do Switchwords in Energy Circles expire?

If someone is telling you that Switchwords, Numbers and/or Energy Circles expire, you may wish to reevaluate who you follow.

The entire concept of Switchwords is based ON the fact that the other than conscious mind files TOGETHER like experiences, and when something often is associated WITH a word or action, the mind then begins to expect that association and FIND ways to draw the experience to you. Therefore, the more you use the tools, the more they tend to work FOR you.

I am a spiritual and religious person. Do Switchwords work with that?

This work is all about accessing your own power, not connecting to any religion. As far as I see it, it is compatible WITH anyone's religious or spiritual alignment.

Are these Switchwords more powerful than gods name? The energy that if these words can create can not gods name create better energies than these English words? Is it superstition or reality please help me clear my thoughts.

Is it superstition or reality please help me clear my thoughts.

Which is better FOR you, eating an apple or walking in nature?

Both are helpful in maintaining your health and wellness, but have nothing to DO WITH each other.

Switchwords access the powerful filing system that the mind uses to LEARN, as like experiences are filed TOGETHER, and WITH that filing system, ON a subconscious level (and sometimes conscious level), when we see the same thing associated WITH a word or action again and again, we BEGIN to TAKE that action or use that word to experience what we have learned is associated WITH it.

Please tell me how to write Switchword phrases. Do we have to add the dash in Switchphrases?

Do as you wish...

Even lower case - create-wolf-magic-now.

James T. Mangan introduced Switchwords to us in FULL caps to help distinguish from regular English words.

Shunyam Nirav first started joining Switchwords into strings with hyphens, which I call Switchphrases.

I have simply continued with their presentations...full caps and hyphens.

I like to MAINTAIN that kind of presentation simply to HELP distinguish for everyone...but it is not absolutely necessary at all.

Transform thought into action, take friendly social dominance, enchant, act on good impulse now.


Why are Switchwords capitalized? Do they have to be capitalized to work?

James T. Mangan presented Switchwords originally in full caps, as a way to distinguish them from normal English words. We have simply continued with his presentation. It is not, however, absolutely necessary to write Switchwords in FULL caps. It does make it much easier to distinguish them in discussions, however, and a word written in FULL caps tends to catch the eye, making a greater impact ON the conscious and subconscious mind.

Why aren't all the words I see posted as Switchwords in other groups listed at Blue Iris Learning Center?

There are many Personal Switchwords (work ON an individual basis, often names of loved ones and people in your PERSONAL experience), and lower-end Open Switchwords (work FOR more than 50% of people), which we don't list and define, as our purpose is to present the most commonly effective Switchwords. We list and define Switchwords that tend to work FOR 80% or more of people.

Saturating the Switchwords world WITH lower-end Open Switchwords and Personal Switchwords which work FOR a smaller number of people can decrease the overall Switchwords effectiveness experience. Thus, we CHOOSE to MAINTAIN our focus ON, list and define the top-end Switchwords.

When writing Switchphrases, do we have to end with full stop or not?

FOR clarity, we generally DO use a period (FULL stop) at the END of a Switchword phrase, though it is not absolutely necessary.

What is the easiest, fastest and effective way to practice Switchwords/Switchphrases? How long is long enough for each of the Switchwords?

There is no perfect way to use Switchwords. They often work very efficiently when intention is set, the Switchword(s) are said, and then just left to do their magic, with attention to other things.

Energy Circles are a great way to work with Switchwords because they allow just that. Intense focus on the Switchwords as you create the Energy Circle, then you can set it and forget it, allowing the Energy Circle to work with the Switchwords to bring to you whatever the focus is.

If you are unfamiliar with Energy Circles, you can learn more about them at:

There seems to be no one way that is fastest and easiest to work with Switchwords. Playing with them and seeing which ways you feel most comfortable in working with them may be the best way to work with them.

Sometimes I just begin to intend a Switchword and as I do so, I reap the benefits, almost before I intend it.

Sometimes I sing Switchwords, and I find that they can be very uplifting when put to a melody.

When lying down to sleep, I often start to just repeat Switchwords for whatever I am intending in my mind over and over until I am sound asleep. I find that often I fall asleep very quickly, having only repeated the Switchwords in my mind a few times before sleep came.

Explore the Switchwords, and see which ways tend to consistently work best for you, then use them in that manner.

How many Switchwords make one Switchphrase?

Anywhere from one to perhaps a dozen, though if necessary I would not rule out more. Usually the shorter they are the better, but sometimes a longer one is very useful and powerful too.

Writing Switchwords ON the Body FAQ

Basic Rules of Thumb:

  1. The left side is the preferred side (not required side) FOR writing Switchwords and such ON the body.
  2. You can write WITH any color you wish, though Black and Blue are neutral.
  3. If dealing WITH pain or injury, writing near the site is always good.


I am left hand person so can I write it on right side of body or only writing on left side will work?

That is FINE. The left side is the receiving side, so preferred, but not required. Writing anywhere ON the body will DO.

I tend to write on my body the Switchphrase--POSTPONE-CANCEL almost on a regular basis and sometimes Number Codes and Switchphrases for self healing/fatigue elimination etc, while practice running. Is that okay to do?

It is FINE to DO that.

When writing on the body do I write with our names (as in Energy Circles) or only the Switchphrase?

Names don't need to BE included when writing ON the body. An Energy Circle is broadcasting, writing ON the body is putting the Switchwords into the body's own energy field.

How many Switchwords/phrases can be used, written on the body or written on a T-shirt?

I do not know of a limit.

Since last night I have started using my palm for writing, after reading the thread in our group. I wrote the Switchphrase for self-healing and then washed it off in the morning. Is that the right way to do?

That is FINE.

Can I use multiple Switchwords, Switchphrases, numbers, frequencies, Sacred Codes, etc., for various remedies (gratitude, health, money... more), on my body in one go, or do I need to address one issue only, then one by one resolve rest?

As long as you don't feel overwhelmed when you DO it, you can certainly work ON all of them, but you may wish to start WITH one issue at a time, adding others as long as you don't feel overwhelmed. However, Energy Circles are a great solution, as you can set them and forget them, allowing them to broadcast to you.

LEARN more about Energy Circles at: ec.blueiris.org

Most of the Switchwords have more than one area of effectiveness... When we use one in a phrase does it pick up the best one in alignment with the intent?

Eg; ICE CUBE - cool down; numb pain

If it is used where a person is too much angry/anxious and needs to cool down and there is no pain associated with that person at that point, will it pick up the one appropriate?

Whatever is needed is what is brought forth WITH the Switchword. It may BE multiple focuses the Switchwords has, or simply one. You read, you decide this Switchword has the focus you want as part of its definition, and then you use it.

No need to overthink it.

How would you use Switchwords to win large amounts of money (such as in sweepstakes and when playing the lottery) or to find or have large amounts of money be given to you?

Interesting thought, however, you may wish to set your intention for abundance. As I see it, the issue with the lottery is first setting a specific place for money to come from, which can be very limiting, and second you must believe all the way down to your core that you will win the lottery, that it is in no way random and that you are in control of it. Two tough things for even Switchwords to overcome.

Also, instead of focusing on the money that would come with winning the lottery, consider focusing on what you would do with the money. What are your dreams for what to do with your newfound treasure? Look at the possibilities, feel them.

Feel the joy of abundance.

Now from this place perhaps use this Switchphrase to open yourself up to the limitless possibilities in your life:

(make available your fortune by being in peace and wellness and letting go of the details)

Perhaps even YES!-AMAZING-JACKPOT (get energized, create miraculous endeavors and feel successful).

Feel it, allow it, be it.

(be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, feel successful)

Do you have to repeat the words a set number of times for it to manifest or just however many times you feel like doing it?

There is no set number of times for repeating Switchwords.  You can set your intent, then declare the Switchword(s) and move on.

One technique is to repeat 28 times as quickly as you can without losing breath.  This technique was introduced to us by James T. Mangan in his book The Secret of Perfect Living for working with the Master Switchword TOGETHER.

We have expanded that to use with any Switchwords or Switchphrases.  Rhoda suggested tapping points 1 through 14 of the Basic Recipe of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (see graphics above for points), repeating the Switchwords twice on each point as a way of repeating 28 times without having to count.

How long should I expect to see results before I should realize that the Switchwords I'm using are not working?

The speed with which Switchwords work varies from situation to situation and person to person.  Say the Switchwords, then let it go.  The more you remove yourself from "needing" Switchwords to work for you the better and faster they will work for you.

What would be the best Switchword or combination of Switchwords to see without fail into the future and predict ALL the drawn lottery numbers with 100% accuracy in order to win the main prize i.e. to win the jackpot at the lottery? I.e. what would be the best Switchword to win the main prize at the lottery?

As the future is run on possibilities, and each individual action of buying (or not buying) a lottery ticket by each individual who could can change the vibrations (butterfly effect), it may be difficult to say that there is an ability to predict with 100% accuracy.

ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) is for complete alignment

148721091 is a Number Code for harmonization of the future

I also like JACKPOT and SURPRISE.

FIND is to build your fortune.


Would it be possible to combine the Switchword method with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for the purpose of increasing its efficiency?

Precisely what I have done with the Emotional Freedom vial, in particular the Switch file:

This file is used to enhance Switchwords, Defusing Words and/or Switchphrases. When this file is invoked before saying a Switchword, Defusing Words and/or Switchphrase, the word or phrase is copied 999 times before it is run through the EF vial, which in turns energetically runs each of the 999 copies through EFT 1000 times. In other words, using this file with the EF vial energetically runs any Switchwords or Switchphrases you associate with the file energetically through EFT 999,000.

Switchwords are words that flip specific "switches" in the subconscious mind using the vibration of very poignant words. The more the words are repeated, the more they affect your energy. The more they affect your energy, the more you draw to you the things those words represent.

For more information about Switchwords see Combined (Universal and Open) Switchwords List, additional articles regarding Switchwords here at Blue Iris Learning Center, Switchwords – Easily Give to You What You want in Life by Shunyam Nirav and The Secret of Perfect Living by James T. Mangan.

Defusing Words help to defuse situations, emotions, etc. A number of Defusing Words are found in the Hawaiian healing technique Ho’oponopono. Defusing Words can be mixed and matched with Switchwords. Click to go to Defusing Words List

"Switch" "CONCEDE" (Switchword to stop arguing)
"Switch" "SWIVEL"(for constipation or diarrhea)
"Switch" "TOGETHER-FIGHT" (a good Switchphrase for team sports)
"Switch" "DIVINE-BE-ALONE-NOW-DONE" (a powerful healing Switchphrase)
"Switch" "DIVINE-my swollen leg-BE-ALONE-NOW-DONE" (targeted healing Switchphrase)
"Switch" "GIGGLE-LISTEN-SCHEME-FIND-WITH-COUNT" (enhance ad-writing skills)
"Switch" "CANCEL-FORGIVE-GIVE-SCHEME-BETWEEN-WAIT-COUNT-LOVE-PRAISE" (a Switchphrase in the Success, Financial Freedom and Goal Setting file)
Regardless of how many Switchwords and/or Switchphrases you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and you can do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

How to get most out of the Switchword method and with which technique to combine it in order to make it truly invincible?

Switchwords are very powerful when used in many different ways. I do not know that one way is preferred over another.

Some like to use Energy Circles, where they can set it and forget it (see http://ec.blueiris.org for information on Energy Circles).

Some like to sing Switchwords to a familiar tune.

Some will just say a Switchword and move on.

Some will just intend a Switchword.

There is no one particular way that is best for everyone or every situation. Play with them however you are inspired to do so, and see what works best for you.

Why not just write Switchwords? Why put them in Energy Circles?

Switchwords are not being broadcast when they are not in an Energy Circle. They are there to read. When you read them you BEGIN to activate them.

It's kind of like a book. You've read it. You remember it. But when you see it sitting on a shelf and read the title, you reconnect to it. It just sitting on the shelf does nothing until it is gazed at, then it activates a memory.

So it is with the Switchwords just written on surfaces...they await your noticing them and activate when you read them.

The Energy Circles broadcast the Switchwords to a space, place, person, or whatever is added to it.

An Energy Circle with no Requester or Focus inserted will generally broadcast to the space where it is hung or set facing up.

An Energy Circle with a Requester (person who wishes to have the Energy Circle affect them) will broadcast the Subject (Switchwords, Defusing Words, Homeopathics, Numbers, etc.) to the Requester, whether they are near or far.

If a Focus (additional person, place, thing to be affected by the Switchwords) is added to the Energy Circle, they too will receive the Energy Circle broadcast.

When placed inside an Energy Circle, the Switchwords are ON for broadcasting, whether they are being read or not.

Without an Energy Circle, the Switchwords are activated when you specifically read them.

Can we translate Switchwords into a language other than English? Can the English words be used even if you don't know English well, if it is not your native language? Do you have a reliable translation of Switchword in other languages?

As there are subtle differences in translation, and Switchwords are very specific, it is preferred not to translate but rather to use the English word, whether you know English or not.

Just as there are many chants and mantras that are in Hindi, Sanskrit and other languages, that are never translated to English for chanting, Switchwords are in English, and are not translated to other languages.

INDEED the subconscious mind does know what is meant, even though the conscious mind does not... but that is part of the advantage of Switchwords even in English, because the Switchwords definition rarely matches the dictionary definition.

It is fine to translate the definitions of the Switchwords into one's native tongue, but in order to MAINTAIN the integrity of the Switchwords, just like mantras and chants, KEEP the original Switchword as it is presented.

Can we develop Switchwords in other languages?

I really can't evaluate words FOR Switchwords in other languages because there is so much more to it than the actual definition, and I am only well versed WITH English.

Just FOR example, HOLE – be attractive, appealing - is far from what the dictionary defines it as. In fact, most people logically think that HOLE is almost the opposite of what it is in Switchwords terms. The conscious mind looks at things much different from how the other than conscious mind looks at things.

We've even found that the form of the word can make a big difference as well. Looking to the Defusing Word "Hubristic" in particular, there was a lot discussion AROUND "hubris" which was not showing FOR definition, until we checked "Hubristic," and then it showed FOR defining. (Hubristic is for defusing and releasing repeated negative patterns. Hubristic helps stop the loop of relearning the same lesson, the ego not willing to change, accept, say sorry or get rewired.)


Are Switchwords manipulative? Can they cause problems for people along their spiritual path?

My perspective is that Switchwords are like prayers.

Do you consider prayers manipulative?

Is praying for someone's safety is being manipulative?

That is what the Switchword GUARD is - a simple prayer for safety and protection - a one-word prayer.

You put out the energy of your thoughts constantly. When you think negatively about someone, it is like praying for negativity, so I guess thinking about someone in a negative manner is also manipulative and so is wishing them well, because you are trying to control their day, offering them a vibration of feeling good.

So quit interacting with people, it's manipulative!

What if everything in this world is energy and vibrates, and everything you say, think or do adds to and changes that energy?

What if by breathing you are manipulating the world and those around you? Because, after all, you are partaking of things they could have.

A smoker is manipulative. He manipulates the people around him. He forces them to inhale the toxins in the smoke from his cigarette. He is very, very manipulative. He is invasively so.

Switchwords are well wishes, requests to your other than conscious mind to help you bring about an experience you desire, and when you use them proxy for another, or with intent to affect another, you are simply putting out the energy of desire, which you already do 24/7.

The other person does not have to react to what you give in the way of Switchwords. If they are open and wish to align with the thoughts you have put out, they will. If they are closed and do not want anything to do with whatever it is that you have put out there for them, they won't.

When we are writing our Switchphrases in Energy Circles, is it necessary that they have to be in a single line? Will it affect the working of the Switchwords?

It is fine to have Switchphrases span lines...

Generally, I personally mark the end of a Switchphrase with a period, and have no problem allowing it to span lines. It seems to work fine that way.


Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, and Energy Circles don't seem to be working for me...

One must BEGIN to PUT into the past what has been, FORGIVE and look to the future, putting in the NOW what one wants in the future. In other words, start saying you are seeing what you want to see, in order for it to come into fruition.

As long as one holds onto judgments about what has been in the past, one keeps repeating the past. The Energy Circles broadcast Switchwords and Numbers to HELP BRING US into alignment with what it is they express. We must BE willing to CHANGE ourselves to have our lives CHANGE. What is is the result of past stories perpetuated into the the future by our focus on what has been. We must BE willing to follow good impulses when working with Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Energy Circles, in order to ALLOW CHANGE to OCCUR.

We cannot DO what we have always DONE and expect CHANGE to OCCUR. We must BE willing to ALLOW the Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, and Energy Circles to lead US into a NEW future.

I have observed that whenever I am working with TOGETHER it gives me headache . Yesterday night I was chanting it and having impacts till now. Though Licorice Root helped me to recover 80% but I am not perfectly fine. As suggested by you earlier, I am taking a good liquid intake . Please help me to understand is there anything I can do to avoid these effects? Is it possible that chanting TOGETHER can’t help me?

Thoughts to CONSIDER...

When we BEGIN to CHANGE our thoughts, words, actions...we BEGIN to CHANGE our inscape (the unique essence or inner nature of a person, place, thing, or event), toxins (not just toxic emotions, but toxins also in the body) may BE released, which in turn may cause US to experience symptoms/emotions that have been swallowed temporarily as the space is being cleaned.

I'm not happy in my work, and things have not changed with Switchwords and Energy Circles...

As long as you HOLD onto I am not happy, you CREATE more to BE unhappy about. When you CHOOSE to EMBRACE what is, you OPEN to ALLOW CHANGE to OCCUR.

Start each morning, on the way to work with GIGGLE-GIGGLE-CHUCKLE-LAUGH-BE-BE-BE and ALLOW yourself to enjoy whatever the task may BE. You will FIND you GET more recognition and appreciation when you CHOOSE to BE happy. Happiness is a choice, it is not something that comes from outside circumstances.

Relax, figure out how to enjoy where you are, and you will FIND things beginning to CHANGE.

The written phrases are facing inwards, is this correct or not? Which way should it face?

Actually either way is FINE. Dr. Emoto, who did a lot of experiments WITH words and water - which he talked about in his books (and where I first saw how powerful words were in "charging" water), was my introduction to charging things WITH words. That was back in 2003 or 2004.

Dr. Emoto taught that you needed to face the label toward the water and leave it FOR 24 hours. (He would freeze the water and then look at the ice crystals formed.)

I found that the CHANGE was virtually instantaneous, and I began charging water WITH (it turns out) Switchwords before I knew anything about Switchwords.

Irgy field of the water. However, if they are facing out, we see them, and that may HELP US recognize, remember and ENHANCE our own energy WITH them, even if we are not drinking the water. Therefore, the general recommendation is facing out.

Can we write words directly on a bottle, that would be so easy. Maybe clear tape with permanent markers and change the tape as the needs change?

You can write the words directly on the water...it inserts the energy directly into the water that way. Long before Energy Circles began being developed, in fact, before I found Switchwords, I was writing things like LOVE, JOY, etc., on my water containers and calling it "happy water." I saw Dr. Emoto's work with water crystals in 2003, and found Switchwords in 2007, so spent 4 years writing on my water vessels before I found Switchwords. Energy Circles began being developed shortly after I found Switchwords.

I have found that the words do not necessarily have to face the water for the water to absorb them either.

I have written with a marker, on the vessel or a label on the vessel, or even with my finger on the vessel.

I stuck some Switchword phrases and numbers a glass water bottle and wanted to check with you if this method will work for charging the water.

That is fine... However, to charge the water, be sure the water is filled at least to the top of any Switchwords/Numbers you want to charge the water with. Once it is charged (15 seconds or longer) it is okay for it to be lower


Can I write Switchwords on a paper and set a glass of water on it, even without an Energy Circle and charge the water?

As long as you realize that if the Switchwords are not in an Energy Circle that the water container must BE in Contact WITH all of the Switchwords to BE charged WITH them.

That is one of the powerful things about Energy Circles, they concentrate the energy of what is contained within them and even if the water vessel doesn't have all the Switchwords/Numbers underneath it, because the Energy Circle delineates all that is to BE inserted, it is.

Is it true that some Switchphrases give temporary results and things go back to previous situation after certain time?

It depends ON you. Switchwords implore you to CHANGE your focus, your thinking, your way of being. If you use them and try to BE how you've always been, you tend to recreate what you've always created.

If you ACT ON good impulse, support the Switchwords and ALLOW FOR CHANGE to OCCUR, it becomes much more permanent. Also INK is your Switchword FOR adding permanency to something.

Why are there three hyphens shown on the list after CONTAIN? And if I end a phrase with CONTAIN, do I keep the hyphens?

The three hyphens after CONTAIN represent a pause, which allows the current sequence of events to stop, so when saying a phrase using CONTAIN--- pause briefly before continuing to say the rest of the phrase. I don't think I have EVER used CONTAIN to END a phrase.

I would expect if ending WITH CONTAIN that I would DROP the hyphens, replacing them WITH a period.

After using TOGETHER today things were going different to me, as I started yawning and headache suddenly after chanting and writing on my wrist, I don't know why.

Drink water...you may have activated a lot of FLOW of energy, which may have released toxins, so getting the river flowing to remove toxins may make a big difference when you experience something like a headache when using Switchwords.

Some people may experience burping, yawning or sighing after using Switchwords. This can also BE a RELEASE of negative energies.

I have come come across many articles where TOGETHER is used for a group, is that accurate?

TOGETHER is the Master Switchword:

TOGETHER is the Master Switchword for a life of heaven on Earth and mastery of any task at hand, 14 Categories: Freedom, Love, Survival, Security, Health, Money, Art, Wisdom, Pleasure, Happiness, the life of action, Self-improvement, Service to humanity, God religion spirituality and enlightenment, James T. Mangan realized TOGETHER was the one-word formula on 10-March-1951 that would manifest all of them in perfect proportion.

TOGETHER can BE used in about any situation, including working WITH a group of people.

Someone told me if a method doesn't make you a better person or teach you something to be better person, then be suspicuous about it. Do Switchwords make one a better person?

How we can be sure it is not demonic and by writing it on our body, we don't let entities enter our body?

Switchwords are simply using the tools your body naturally has to ENHANCE your experience.

You LEARN from experience because your other than conscious mind is constantly recording and filing away what is happening AROUND you 24/7. As such, when something seems to often/always happen WITH regard to something - such as every time you are in Contact WITH money you tend to COUNT it, the other than conscious mind, having seen counting associated WITH money time after time, begins to look FOR money to COUNT when you either start counting or use the Switchword COUNT.

Switchwords simply HELP ENHANCE your ability to utilize this mechanism.

Ask those who have been using Switchwords FOR a long time, and I believe you'll GET a resounding YES! to your question.

I am certainly not the same person I was when I found Switchwords. They have helped ENHANCE my life and others AROUND me consistently.

Can I record Switchwords in my voice and listen to them whenever possible?


Can we also chant RELEASE-RESISTANCE?

The word "resistance" is not a Switchword:

RELEASE – stop trying to control
OIL – clear friction; smooth; release tension; release resistance; separate


Think about it...a Switchword encompasses something you want to experience...how could "resistance" then BE a Switchword.

This is one reason why we NOW DO workshops (see http://blueiris.biz/workshops.php), and why we recommend sticking generally WITH Blue Iris Learning Center supported Facebook groups, so you know the advice is appropriate. We can't control what others DO and say ON their groups and websites.

I find that sometimes chanting the Switchphrases I have negative reactions first in turn getting to fix the problem and then making it positive. Do they sometimes work like this? Or are they meant to give positive reactions immediately?

CONSIDER when you remove something negative, you are opening space that will BE filled WITH something else that expands.

What if, as you ELATE something, your other than conscious mind recognizes this and gives you another focus to ELATE?

Switchwords will not BRING negatives to you, but they may OPEN space to ALLOW you to remove other negative energies you have been holding onto.

What is 55 and list of more numbers in the same category?

55 – show the way; lead to the light; whole-brain thinking; quantum spirituality; universal mediator; mental telepathy; clairvoyance; ultimate freedom; ultimate oneness; integral consciousness

This is a Switchword. A few numbers have shown as being Switchwords.

There are other numbers which are not Switchwords, but healing numbers and frequencies, sources such as Angel Numbers, Homeopathic Vibration Rates, etc.

Can we use a specified amount with the word WINDFALL and can I use WINDFALL instead of COUNT?

You don't need a specific number...it may BE limiting, in that only that amount comes.

It is FINE to interchange or use both WINDFALL and COUNT.

I'm a tarot card reader., so can I give Switchwords, Switchprases and healing numbers to my clients also?

Many integrate Switchwords and Healing Numbers and Frequencies into other disciplines they use. However, we don't address that integration, as there are many techniques out there and our job is to GIVE a CLEAR view of the tools we provide.

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on YouTube

Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

Facebook (most active)

A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

Twitter Switchwords Community

Switchwords ON Band

Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.