About Healing Numbers and Frequencies

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Working WITH Numbers

Numbers have frequencies, just like musical notes do. Numbers, in certain combinations, have frequencies that can help heal the body. Just as listening to certain music makes you feel good, numbers have similar abilities. You may not be able hear the vibration of the numbers, but you might be able to feel it!

Numbers are quite powerful. You can write them on your skin (or a label you apply to your skin), wear them on a bracelet (you can create one with number beads), write them on a photo of yourself, say them, chant them, INTEND them, tap them through EFT, run them with the Emotional Freedom vial (Passive Modifications file), ADD them to Reiki Spheres or an Energy Circle, PUT them under your pillow or mattress, and probably a myriad of other ways.

There are many different types of Healing Numbers, from many different authors.  Often we are given a specific way to work with specific types of Healing Numbers.  However, as all healing originates from the same Source, we have found that different techniques can be shared across Healing Number types.  This means you can CHOOSE to use the numbers as you wish, regardless of the Healing Number type.

A few different types of Healing Numbers and ways of using suggested by their authors, and additional thoughts:

Blue Iris Numbers:
Blue Iris Numbers are numbers that have come to US through me, and often friends and associates of Blue Iris Learning Center. These are unique numbers helping US heal, ALIGN our energies and grow as we travel through our life joyneys. Blue Iris Numbers can BE used by writing (including ON the body, left side or near body part being addressed), saying, or putting inside Energy Circles (when used inside an Energy Circle, Mudra Blue Iris Numbers always belong in the CENTER space).

Blue Iris Numbers are only available through Blue Iris Learning Center subscriptions.

A few types of Blue Iris Numbers include numbers for:

Opening and closing Gates as appropriate:

Gate - a means of access or entrance; a path; a habitual manner or way of acting

One example of Gates addressed WITH Blue Iris Numbers is:

Gates of Chaos, Close
When the Gates of Chaos are open to consciousness, negative energies, such as cursing, anger, resentment, condemnation, etc., are allowed into the consciousness and have a negative effect on body and environment. Curse words affect our response to cancer and other illnesses, as well as how long we live.


Mudras are positions of the body that have influence on our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphins, change the mood and increase our vitality. Mudras not only contribute to one’s overall good health but can be used as a preventive measure as well.

Mostly the hands and fingers are held in specific positions, but other body parts and/or the whole body may be part of the Mudra as well.

Though most Mudras can be formed with one hand, using both hands simultaneously has a more powerful effect.

A Mudra Blue Iris Number carries the energy of the Mudra performed with both hands simultaneously for the optimal period of time for the intended application. Generally, most Mudras are performed for a minimum of 15 minutes apiece.


Holy Water (from sites AROUND the world)

One example of a Holy Water Blue Iris Number:

Montezuma Well (sacred/holy water) (near Sedona, Arizona)Created as an accident of nature 11,000 years ago, Montezuma Well is a large sinkhole with a continuous flow of water seeping up through vents in the limestone.

Over 1.5 million gallons flow out of the well daily. It's the water and the constant flow that define the sacredness of this place. Hopi and Zuni consider Montezuma Well as most sacred and used it as a birthing place for generations. Some people come to the well for healing and swear by the medicinal properties to be found by simply breathing the air.

The actual source of the upward flow of water remains undiscovered. The Hopi have a saying, "The well is a gift from Mother Earth. So why do you care where it comes from?"
Blue Iris Number
Number intuited by Rhoda, defined by Kat Miller

Note from Kat: Generally one would use one Holy Water number at a time, though occasionally two or three may be used.

Success Stories: After a few days of being too stressed, wrote this Number on Body and had a great sleep.


Radionic Rates, Rife Frequencies, Homeopathic Vibration Rates and other types of frequencies:

A simplified view is that all of these numbers and frequencies either HELP ALIGN WITH the positive energies they represent, or remove the negative energies.

We have found that writing the numbers, putting them inside Energy Circles or writing them ON the body can effectively access the energies they represent, even without using Radionics, Rife or Homeopathic Remedy Making Machines, etc.


Angel Numbers:
Although the original concept of Angel Numbers as a communication coming from your Angels and Spirit Guides came to US through Joanne Walmsley - Sacred Scribes - http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/p/index-numbers.html - and at her website she lists a guide to repeating number sequences, their messages and meanings, we have found that Angel Numbers can also BE used as a way to communicate requests to Angels and Spiritual Guides. Presentations of Angel Numbers at Blue Iris are specifically given in terms of requests, rather than messages being received.


Sacred Codes:
Agesta, who channeled the Sacred Code, states: The code must be repeated 45 times every time, because this is a manifestation number and when using them do it with conscience, faith and heart. Then can be said as one digit (i.e. 10243 ten thousand two hundred and forty-three), one by one (one, zero, two, four, three); in pairs or as you which by heart. They can be repeated during the day as many times you wish; there are no rules for it. The number of days to do it is up to you, they are usually made until what we are asking for comes to manifestation, there are other codes such as connection to the Earth, etc. that it would be wonderful to repeat them always.

Sacred Codes can BE found available FOR free at many sites AROUND the internet. You can Google them to FIND a site that is easy FOR you to work WITH.

Note from Kat:  We have seen Sacred Codes work very well when utilized following any of the techniques listed above (chanting, intending, Energy Circles, writing, etc.).  A channel brings things through their own filters, which often include experiences they have had and things they have been taught, which may include extra rules.


Divine Healing Codes:
All of the above-listed techniques have been successfully utilized with Divine Healing Codes.

Search FOR "reikidoc" to FIND a FULL list of Divine Healing Codes:

Suggested uses given at the website are:
Write it on the part of the body, or on a sticker and stick it on the body anywhere in the aura.
Write it in the air over the part of the body.
Pull up anything that has the numbers on it online, on your phone or tablet, make the number big on the screen, and hold it over the body part or food item you wish to apply the code with the intent to use it.

A PDF listing codes:


Lloyd Mear:
Lloyd Mear has dowsed numbers to identify, balance and heal. He recommends you either know how to muscle test, dowse, or use a pendulum and use of one of these techniques determine what frequencies you may be missing or frequencies that may be distorted. (You can still use the manual if you don't know these techniques by simply following the protocol of repeating the numbers 7 times 2-3 three times a day for 14 days, although results will vary because you are not determining whether or not you have the frequency already.)

We highly recommend Energy Balancing by Numbers to anyone wanting to LEARN and use Lloyd's numbers. It is available at: http://www.balancingbynumbers.com/


Grigori Grabovoi:
Grigori Grabovoi is known for developing a system of healing numbers, also known as Grabovoi Codes. The codes are specific number sequences that are used to manifest desired outcomes, such as healing, wealth, or love. Each code corresponds to a specific intention or desire, and the user recites the code to focus their intention and attract the desired outcome. The system is based on the belief that the codes can help to open up a universal energy field, allowing the user to focus on what they desire and bring it into reality.

Grigori Grabovoi recommends meditating ON numbers he provides for healing. He has written a number of healing books including one freely available ON the internet - Restoration of the Human Organism: Concentration on Numbers.

Any additional Grigori Grabovoi numbers one may FIND in the Database are either from this book, or found freely available ON the internet.


Quantum K Harmonics:
Quantum K Harmonics is a concept developed by Andrew Kemp which utilizes Harmonic Sequencies FOR healing. A detailed description and manuals WITH the whole of Quantum K are available FOR free at: http://quantumk.co.uk/

Date Numbers

Birth Date Numbers:
Birth Date Numbers may be useful in centering a broadcast from an Energy Circle on a specific person.  Besides using the person's name from birth, the Birth Date Number adds individuality to the broadcast.

A Birth Date Number starts with the 4-digit year, then, depending on where in the world you were born, the month, then date (if your area of the world generally lists the month first when giving a date, such as December 3), or date and then month (if your area of the world generally lists the date first, such as 03 December).

For example, if you were born in the United States on December 3, 1987, your Birth Date Number would be 19,871,203.

If you were born on the same date in India, your Birth Date Number would be 19,870,312.

If the month or the date number is a single digit, add a padding 0 for the second digit (January would be 01, February would be 02...sixth day of the month 06...).

The Birth Date Numbers align with where you were born, not necessarily where you live now. Even if you were adopted from another country as a newborn, you use the number sequence for the area of your birth.

The reason it is a Birth Date Number is because it connects to one's roots. The Birth Date Number isn't revised when one changes citizenship or residency. It remains the same throughout one's life, beginning at birth. Thus the Birth Date Number FOR an American citizen born in India would always BE in the India format.

Note: When one is unsure of the date of birth, but has a day that is used for celebration - use the tilde ( ~ ) on both sides of the birth date number to show it is an estimated/approximate date - something like this:

~ 19,460,202 ~

The above number would be for someone with an unsure birth date, generally celebrated as February 2, 1946.

Adopted Child Date Numbers:
Just as the date of a wedding is the date of a major life CHANGE, so is the date of adoption, in the life of an adopted child. It may BE a good Idea to also include that date, in the same format as the DOB. The date the adoption was finalized would BE the date to use (if available). If it is not available, and the date the child first came to you is known, then I would use it. If neither is available, then using the tilde ( ~ ) before and after a generic date number created from whatever information you have available.

If only the year is known:
~ YY,YY0,000 ~

If the year and month are known, and not the day of the month, in India (or anywhere that uses the date format where day of month is listed first, followed by month:
~ YY,YY0,0MM ~

If the adopted child was born in the USA:
~ YY,YYM,M00 ~

The date format used in the part of the world where the adoption took place would BE the format used. Therefore, if a child was born in India, and adopted in the USA. If the USA is where the adoption was finalized, it would use YY,YYM,MDD format.


Wedding Date Number:
A Wedding Date Number is created the same way as a Birth Date Number, utilizing the date and place the wedding took place to formulate the number, and addresses the relationship BETWEEN the married couple.  A Wedding Date Number may also be helpful in working with fertility issues.


When unsure of the date format for a specific country, I generally look it up in this article:

Using Numbers in a Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle

Another way of working with Healing Numbers and Frequencies is to place them in a Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle:

Insert Target (name of person for broadcast) into the Energy Circle along with the Healing Numbers and Frequencies.

Healing Numbers and Frequencies can be used in conjunction with Switchwords and Defusing Words, as well as on their own.

The numbers can be said, chanted, focused on, written on the body or in an Energy Circle.

Though reading out the numbers as individual digits can be effective, it has been shown to be more effective if the numbers are stated in their proper form:

10,000 Hz (for acute pain) is preferred to be said as "ten thousand hertz"

1,999,999 (for sore throat) is preferred to be said as "one million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred ninety-nine"

5189912 (for runny nose) is preferred to be said as "5 million, 189 thousand, 912"

71042 (for harmonization with the present) is preferred to be said as "71 thousand, 42"


Several months back...
I had a sore throat, I used 1-9-9-9-9-9-9. It helped alleviate. It seemed to come back later in the day. I repeated. Over the course of several days it took repeating 1-9-9-9-9-9-9 several times during the day to help stop the pain, but it came back by morning each morning and at times throughout the day. It seems like I fought it for 2 weeks, using 1-9-9-9-9-9-9 several times a day.

Last week...
I awoke with a very sore throat one morning. Instead of using 1-9-9-9-9-9-9 I used one-million, nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred ninety-nine (or one-million, 999 thousand, 999). The sore throat disappeared that morning, returned the next two mornings, to which I repeated the long version of the number, and it disappeared again until the next morning. On the third day it did not return at all.


In the concentration on getting the number right, you forget your focus on what the number is for...exactly what you want.

Use with the Emotional Freedom Vial

The Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial allows you to run any of the numbers you wish through it by either calling the number with it:

Passive Modifications - (healing number/frequency)
Note: If using Rife frequencies, you may wish to say/write Hertz (Hz) after the number.

Or by calling the issue you want addressed with the healing number, without necessarily remembering the healing number:

Passive Modifications - Healing number for __________ (insert issue to be addressed)

Click here to learn more about the Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing file.


PDFs with some Number Codes and Rife Frequencies are available at:

Quick Code List

Restoration of the Human Organism: Concentration on Numbers

Check out Kat's Channels
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Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.